This morning I went to the Stratford Farmers' Market and it cannot compare to the St. Jacob one but it is still 100 times or more better than Weyburn's little half-hearted attempt at a farmers' market.
It's held at the Rotary Complex which is actually the fair grounds that has a couple of impressive buildings on it. The route to it is well marked so Rotary gets its name on signs many times ... good marketing, I say.
Just seeing the berries here makes me want to tell my scone story. I stopped at Revel Caffe for a lunchtime scone the other day and asked if they had any raisin scones. In a friendly but commanding voice, the waitress said, "Ma'am, we don't make raisin scones when strawberries and raspberries are in season!" Point taken. I ordered a raspberry one.
Surprisingly I saw very little rhubarb at either market. Lots and lots of asparagus though.
Some poor kid must have to scrub potatoes before they get to the market. I've never seen cleaner potatoes including the ones you eat at my house when I invite you over.
Elizabeth won't believe me when I say the apple fritters here are just as good as the ones at St. Jacob Market but they truly are. And the price is the same ... $1.25. Leah, because you wondered: no, these never come home with anyone; they are eaten on the spot similar to your cinnamon buns in the parking lot of Cobbs.
Our pre-theater treat before Carousel was a butterscotch dipped ice cream cone Jenn & Larry's Brittle and Shakes. We ate them by the river where we watched a fisherman catch a fish and enjoyed the ducks, kayaks, tourist boat, etc. etc.
Stratford cafes look after your pets.
Rob, it may be a lost cause, but people are trying. These signs are everywhere.
I saw these two shows at the Avon today.