Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Leisurely Day After a Wretched Night

A huge storm came in last night which is never the best thing for tenters.  Thunder, lightning, rain all made for excitement as did the puddles in the corner of the tent.  Luckily we have a bed in the van too and that's where we slept .... er, I mean that's where we listened to the rain jangling on the roof.  The amazing thing is how quickly some of the rain soaks in and the rest of it rushes down to the lake making interesting rivulets.
Today we headed to Brainerd which is 78 miles from here.  The drive was lovely taking us through forest and farmland and passed many lakes with beautiful cottages and homes along their shores.  We attended a Rotary meeting in Brainerd sitting with some RYLA students who were there to report on the camp they attended last week. 
I looked in interesting stores in the downtown area including the one which had this sign in its window:
Inside the "shoppe" ... I HATE that ridiculous spelling ... inside the shop Daisy May made me laugh by sitting on this price tag.
Here's one of the other cats.  I asked the clerk whether people with allergies don't complain and she haughtily replied, "if they are allergic, we don't need them as customers because they are probably allergic to the soap and candle smells in here anyway."  Cats rule this shop.
Leah, I left the book on a bench which was protected from the wind but it didn't matter as the person directly behind me picked it up.  It's now in its 4th country which is pretty impressive.

This pretty mailbox is used by on of the stores downtown.
And here's the good invention.  Kraft now makes rectangular marshmallows so they fit graham crackers better.

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