Saturday, September 21, 2013

Last Day in PEI

Katie Bell, people are going to think I am blogging for you and you alone as I have more library photos.  The advisors meet in the library every morning so I have time to notice things like ...
all the Lee Child books
and all the Hunger Games books.
The graphic novel section is empty but I don't know if it's because they are all signed out or if it's because the librarian ran out of budget.
The trip to and from Montague was slow today because there was a 70 mile garage sale happening on #1 highway.  People pull over helter-skelter to hunt for bargains.
I mentioned to an islander that Tennessee has something similar and sometimes there are fatalities because of it.  His response was "Yup, we have those too."
After lunch the students did volunteer work and then had time to get ready for the closing banquet.  Bob and I used that time to see the musical "Evangeline"  in Charlottetown.  I noticed all these impressive banners in the downtown area.  I don't know if CSLC put them up of the city did, but they are a nice touch.
Here are all of our folks looking spectacular at the closing banquet.

Quite a few boys had on bow ties.  I hadn't seen them as a fashion statement since my graduation from high school in 1974!

Now the students are having their final dance while advisors are partying or sleeping or blogging.
Our group couldn't get a flight out of PEI so tomorrow we cross the Confedertion Bridge, sightsee in Moncton a bit, and then fly out from there.

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