Monday, July 18, 2016

Ever Heard of Steveston?

A friend of Elizabeth's thought we might enjoy Steveston which is a neighborhood in Richmond.  We definitely did!  We went intending to visit something similar to Weyburn's Heritage Village.  However, we got sidetracked by a walkway along the river and a cannery tour.  I did not know that boats buy parking tickets the same way we do for our vehicles.

The cannery tour was absolutely amazing and informative.  We had two different guides for two different parts of the process and there was also an interactive part to the museum.
Here's a piece of equipment ...
...and here's some terrible information about it.
Thank goodness times have changed!
We had fish and chips for lunch on the water at PaJo's.  Both Elizabeth and I liked how the fish AKA apostrophe knew where its right position is.

In Steveston we found the Village Book & Coffee Shop.  We love it.

Here's the sign at the business next door.
For people like Brian, Ellen and Leah, we found these:

The rest of the day was spent on and around Granville Island and in the evening we took in a musical there.
We were glad to see posties going up and down walks and the mail trucks running.  That means Rob and his colleagues are still working and that Nathan & Riley's mail is heading there way.

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